Regular checkups with your PCP are vital for staying proactive about your health. These routine visits not only keep you on track with recommended screenings but also play a crucial role in early problem identification and the effective management of various health issues before they escalate.

We’re proud to offer telemedicine visits as a convenient and accessible option for those unable to attend in-person appointments. From the comfort of your home, connect seamlessly with your healthcare provider to address your health concerns and receive personalized treatment tailored to your unique needs.


Testosterone, the primary male hormone, plays a crucial role in shaping masculine characteristics and driving essential functions like muscle strength, bone density, and libido. However, numerous factors such as health conditions, medications, and aging can lead to lower testosterone levels, impacting overall well-being.

At Manzel’s Men Checkup, we’re dedicated to empowering men with the knowledge and solutions needed to optimize their health and reclaim vitality. Through comprehensive care and personalized treatments, we strive to support men at every stage of life, ensuring they can thrive and live life to the fullest.

Low Libido

Low libido, or decreased interest in sexual activity, can often be linked to low testosterone levels, particularly as men age and experience a gradual decline in testosterone production. While it’s normal for libido to fluctuate periodically throughout life, persistent low libido may indicate an underlying issue. Men must seek treatment if this persists over an extended period, as addressing the root cause can significantly improve overall well-being and quality of life.

Treatment for low libido typically begins with a comprehensive approach, including a thorough health history review, physical examination, and laboratory tests to identify underlying factors such as weight gain, obesity, or medication effects. If testosterone replacement therapy is deemed appropriate, various delivery methods are available. These include oral therapy (capsules or tablets), gums, skin patches, gels, pellets (slowly releasing testosterone when implanted under the skin), and injections administered every seven to 14 days. Research suggests that most men experience improvement within four to six weeks of starting testosterone replacement therapy, emphasizing the effectiveness of tailored treatment approaches in restoring vitality and well-being.

Low Testosterone (Male Hypogonadism)

Low testosterone (Low T) occurs when the testicles produce insufficient testosterone, the primary male sex hormone. Typically stimulated by the pituitary gland, testosterone production may be compromised due to various factors affecting the testicles, pituitary gland, or hypothalamus. Additionally, testosterone levels naturally decline with age, with approximately 40% of males aged 45 and older experiencing low testosterone levels, according to the Urological Association. It’s important to note that not all men with low testosterone exhibit symptoms, highlighting the importance of comprehensive evaluation and tailored management approaches to address this condition effectively.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. While occasional occurrences may occur in some men, others may experience more regular challenges in this regard. It’s essential to address these symptoms promptly, as early treatment can significantly improve outcomes. Fortunately, ED is a common and treatable condition, affecting millions of men across America of various ages. Seeking professional guidance and exploring available treatment options can lead to effective management and restored sexual health.

Some men may view Erectile Dysfunction (ED) as an inevitable aspect of aging, while others may feel too embarrassed to address it or seek treatment. However, untreated ED can lead to a loss of self-confidence, depression, stress, and anxiety, affecting both sexual health and relationships.

Several risk factors contribute to ED, including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, stress, sedentary lifestyle, and certain medications. Managing these risk factors is crucial for preventing ED and maintaining a fulfilling life. Treatment options for ED include oral medications like Viagra and Cialis, penile injections, surgical interventions, and vacuum pump devices, among others. Seeking professional guidance can help determine the most suitable treatment approach for individual needs.

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